Principal's Message

Welcome students, parents/guardians, families and community members to the Cathedral High School website.
It is with great privilege, humility and honour that I continue my Catholic leadership journey as the Principal of the this vibrant and faith-filled school community. A special thank you to my predecessor, Mr. Mark Daly, for his leadership in serving as both “Salt” and “Light” for this school community. I will continue to build on his great work.
This school year will be the start of my 22nd year in education and my 12th as a school administrator. Prior to my appointment I have served as a Vice-Principal at four secondary schools in our Board. I bring a variety of experiences including my passion for serving and protecting the needs of marginalized students, promoting a Safe and Inclusive School Environment, and working with students with Special Education Needs. I look forward to serving this Catholic School Community, and enabling all learners to realize the fullness of humanity of which Our Lord Jesus Christ is the model. I am dedicated to continuing all of our students’ successes and I will strive to continue to nurture the positive relationships that have been created amongst our students, our families, our parishes, our staff and the broader community of Cathedral High School.
Cathedral High School values the opportunity to continue to nurture our students by providing spiritual development in all aspects of school life as demonstrated by our daily witness to live out, model and infuse our curriculum with the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations. These expectations call us to form our students to become:
Discerning believers;
Effective communicators;
Reflective, creative, and holistic thinkers;
Self-directed, responsible, lifelong learners;
Collaborative contributors;
Caring family members; and,
Responsible citizens.
At Cathedral, we value each student as an individual and as a part of the larger community. We seek to recognize and to develop the strengths and gifts of our students in a Christ-centered Community which is focused on God’s highest purpose for their hearts, their souls, and their minds. We give dignity to all Five Career Pathways; whether students go directly to work, the apprenticeable trades, transition to community living, or choose college or university as their pathway to their adult lives. In our pursuit of excellence and in our tradition to celebrate the uniqueness of each student, we recognize the philosophy of Each Belongs which speaks to the opportunity of each student to reach their full potential.
When students come to Cathedral High School, they will benefit from the spiritual, academic, and co-curricular activities. It is our deepest hope and prayer that this Christ-centered learning environment will become a place where our students can be called closer to their faith and, in turn, draw their world closer to Christ. As a school community throughout the year, we will embrace the theme of this year’s Catholic Education Week theme and we will be incorporating it as part of our daily practice. This year’s theme will be: We are Called to Love.
Our school, in partnership with the home, our local parishes and our community is dedicated to providing a vibrant, Christ-centred learning environment fostering the pursuit of our faith and academic excellence. Together we will work as role models, to serve, to educate and to help each other to become lifelong learners. We do this by drawing upon our diverse talents and cultural heritage in order to build a safe place that fosters learning and reflects the teachings of Jesus Christ. The support of families is also a critical aspect of student success. I ask you to please consider giving your time to our Catholic School Council. Information is available on our website at Cathedral Catholic School Council.
I encourage students, families and community members to visit our website and our Instagram account (@chstvnews) often. Updates and the publication of school related events will be posted on this website. Please feel free to contact the school at any time with your concerns, as well as your suggestions for improvement at our school. Our email address is [email protected] .
Along with Vice-Principals McCabe, Taylor and Valeri, I look forward meeting you and in working with everyone in our school community for the betterment of our students’ education and their futures.
Yours in Catholic Education,
Kevin Monaco,