Our Lady of Fatima - Pray the Rosary

Our Lady of Fatima - Pray the Rosary
Posted on 09/30/2024



The months of May and October are dedicated to Mary and the Holy Rosary. The Rosary is the compendium of the Gospel; where the way of Jesus and Mary are closely connected when we meditate the Joyful, Sorrowful, Luminous and Glorious Mysteries. Reciting the Rosary, we pray and meditate on the life of Jesus with Mary, who brought us Jesus and brings us to Jesus.

 St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort reminds us that Mary is the person most conformed to Jesus. Devotion to Mary, by praying the Rosary, is what conforms and consecrates a soul most perfectly to Jesus. Pope St. John Paul II teaches us that the Rosary is a prayer so simple and yet so rich, a treasure to be rediscovered that will obtain for us many graces and spiritual riches, contemplating the face of Jesus Christ at the school of Mary. 

Mary is honoured all over the world with various titles. The first Sunday of October and May 8  we remember Our Lady of Pompei, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, by praying the beautiful Petition to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  October 7 is the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, instituted by Pope St. Pius V in 1571 in thanksgiving for the many graces given to the world.

Mary's Apparitions at Fatima Portugal on May 13, 1917 to 3 Shepherd children Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta for 6 months until October 13.  At Fatima, Mary asked that we pray the Rosary daily for peace, the conversion of sinners, the Souls in Purgatory and to make the   Consecration to her Immaculate Heart with the Devotion of the First Saturday of the Month in reparation for the 5 offences against her Immaculate Heart. We invite all to pray the Holy Rosary daily, but especially during May and October. At this time,  we need the help of God through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, for all those impacted by the  pandemic, suffering, and for our school community. Prayer and fasting can contribute to miracles, and many graces have been granted throughout history, through the praying of the Holy Rosary. Please rediscover this beautiful and powerful prayer of the Rosary that can be prayed, not only in the Church, home or school, but anytime of the day, and in any place. Please remember our daily appointment with Jesus and Mary by the praying of the Rosary. 

 Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.